ISAGA Summer Schools (ISS)

ISAGA Summer School’s mission is bringing the knowledge and practice of the simulation gaming to the community. In over 25 years, ISS were visited by many scholars and practitioners looking for high quality knowledge on game design and game-based research.

ISAGA Summer School 2025, July, 07-11, Stuttgart

Location: Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart, Nobelstreet 10, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
ISS Host: Prof. Dr. Helmut Wittenzellner
Theme: Simulation game design and game based research
Occasion: Two Events in two Weeks in ONE City: ISAGA Summer School and ISAGA Conference

The ISAGA Summer School 2025 takes place in Stuttgart, one week before the 56th ISAGA Conference 2025 on Simulation and Gaming, which will be also held in Stuttgart. So take the occasion and experience two events from two Stuttgart University hosts in two weeks!

The ISS program this year at Stuttgart Media University will feature two tracks. The first track will be about a simulation games track dedicated to game and course design. The second track will be game-based research and dedicated to design of the research with and around simulation games. Thanks a lot to Willy, Paola, Marcin, Toshiko who will facilitate and instruct during this week with their year-long experience!

To go to the official website use this link hosted by Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart.

ISAGA Summer School 2024,
July , 1-5, CDU Sydney, Australia

On Educational skills and knowledge / Evaluation of simulations and games and assessment of them for Research

    The Summer School combines first-hand experiences of simulations and games, with theoretical analysis and in-depth discussion of key issues in the field of simulations and games as educational tools and strategies. It has evolved as a collaborative, invigorating, and rewarding space for personal skill development, launching of new research projects, support for innovative and challenging uses of simulations and games and a time to expand networks and writing partnerships. A social program included is included in the week’s activities.

    Our 2024 Hosts

    In 2024 the Summer School is hosted jointly by the Sydney campus of Charles Darwin University, Simulation Australasia, and ISAGA, organised by the local Staff Dr Cat Kutay – CDU and Dr Elyssebeth Leigh – UTS.

    International Staff

    International Staff – either in person or online: Maria Freese, Birgit Zuern, Friedrich Trautwein, Marcin Wardaszko, Ryoyu Hamada and Marieke de Wijse-van Heeswijk.

    ISAGA Summer School 2023, June , 26-30, Warsaw

    Date 2023: 26th-30th June 2023
    Location: Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland
    ISS Chair: Dr Marcin Wardaszko and Prof. Ryoju “Roy” Hamada, Ph.D.

    Theme: Simulation game design and research for complexity dissemination

    The ISS program this year featured two tracks. The first track was simulation games track and dedicated to game and course design. The second track was game-based research and dedicated to design of the research with and around simulation games. Thanks a lot to Marcin and the whole team of organisers and lecturers!

    To go to the official website use this link.

    History / Former Summer Schools

    In September 2022, the ISAGA Summer School was held in Stuttgart, Germany on Evaluation and Research in gaming. The report can be found here: